A worldwide trademark right does not yet exist. For countries outside Europe, protection must therefore often be requested per country. The application conditions and rates differ greatly from country to country. As a result, a price will always be determined on request in consultation with your wishes.
If you wish to register your trademark for one or more countries outside the EU, you can always call on us. For the further protection of your trademark, you can also rely on our services. For € 75,00 excl. VAT we protect your trademark for a whole year.
If a trademark registration is refused, you will only receive an invoice for the research hours performed and not for the registration cost.
You get:
A 10-year protection concerns countries that are part of the Protocol of Madrid from 1989, which can be extended at your request;
Two product groups or classes. If you wish to register more classes, an additional cost per class will always be charged in consultation;