If you wish to protect your trademark in all EU countries, it is best to choose an EU trademark. With one registration you automatically obtain protection in all twenty-seven member states. The competent authority is the European Trademarks Office based in Alicante, Spain.
You can always rely on us to register an EU trademark. We take care of the entire procedure of research, registration and monitoring of the trademark for only € 1.450,00 excl. VAT. For the further protection of your trademark, you can also rely on our services. For € 75,00 excl. VAT we will protect your trademark for a whole year.
If a trademark registration is refused, you will only receive an invoice for the research hours performed and not for the registration cost.
You get:
A 10-year protection in the entire European Union, which can be extended at your request;
Two product groups or classes. If you wish to register more classes, an additional cost of € 200,00 per class will be charged;